Musa Magagula has a BSc in chemistry and environmental science from the University of Botswana, a BSc (Hons) in Geology from the University of Wales, UK and a post graduate diploma in Mineral Exploration from Delft University in the Netherlands.

He has 24 years of experience and has worked in West Africa, Eritrea, Swaziland and South Africa on greenstone belt gold mineralisation, iron ore, industrial minerals, base metals, kimberlites, anthracite, bituminous coal and Bushveld Igneous Complex platinum.

Between 1985 and 1990 he worked as a geologist for the Swaziland government on coal and kimberlites, later being appointed to the position of Mineral Resources Exploration Geologist. In 1990 he joined Rio Tinto as a Senior Geologist before joining JCI as a project manager in West and North Africa.




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